Or Rasalhague being under Combine control for long enough they've wound up speaking a weirdo hybrid of Japanese and Swedish. It's rolled in fairly smoothly, too - a footnote about the FedSuns and United Hindu Collective effectively merging during the Age of War handily explains the blob of worlds in the Capellan March with distinctly Hindu names. Theodore Kurita, Candace Liao, Quintus Allard, Kamea Arano, etc.), and while appearances tend to be described somewhat vaguely (and colour illustrations aren't super common) everyone seems to be (to steal a quote) 'some flavour of ambiguously brown'. Click to shrink.To add to this, most writers (as early as the first sourcebooks IIRC) were pretty aggressive about mix-and-matching everything from names to ethnicities to cultures across the IS With relatively few exceptions, most named characters have a name that might be eyebrow-raising today (e.g.